Public Company Limited by Guarantee

Register your public company limited by guarantee and get your documents drafted and electronically delivered by PGG Legal today, for just $819.00 (or $720.60 for members). All orders are lodged with ASIC instantly.

Register a public company limited by guarantee with us

Regular Price: $819.00 (GST & ASIC fee inclusive)

Members Price: $720.60 (GST & ASIC fee inclusive)

ABN Registration Addon
just $50.00 (GST inclusive)

Public companies may undergo manual review by ASIC prior to their registration being approved. Specifically, public companies limited by guarantee might be required to submit legal documentation regarding the inclusion of clauses that meet ASIC's criteria. This process can delay the registration of these companies, extending the timeline to a week or possibly longer.

Public Companies Limited by Guarantee, in our experience, are the most common entity used by someone wanting to start a public benevolent institution which intends to register as a charity.

Our constitution for this entity contains the Gift fund, winding up and responsible person provisions which are required by the Australian Charities and not for profits commission. It requires the completion of the charitable objects at the back of the document which must be specific to the client’s intentions for the organisation. Accurate customisation of the charitable objects requires consultation with PGG Legal.

Our process

Register your public company limited by guarantee with us today for just $819.00 (or $720.60 for members). Your order will be lodged with ASIC after we review your charitable objects and you will receive all company documents electronically, immediately after the company is registered. Any additional legal requirements you may have can be raised with our team at your discretion.

Why register with us?

All of our Public Company Limited By Guarantee documents are backed 100% by PGG Legal’ expertise. Our firm specialises in tax and Trust law. As such, we do not use disclaimers of any kind on our documents. Additionally, all of our professional clients have the option to apply their own branding to our documents. Complete our straightforward, state of the art order form within minutes and get your public company limited by guarantee registered today.

  • Well drafted documents, developed over a period of years
  • Supported by experienced and fully insured tax and Trust lawyers
  • No disclaimers used on any of our legal documents
  • Option to apply your branding to our documents
  • 24/7 service availability
  • Always up to date documents
  • Bank-level security for your data
  • Instant processing available

PDF document pack:

  • Public Charity Company Constitution
  • Registered Office Consent
  • Director & Secretary Consents
  • Public Officer Consent
  • Public Officer Appointment Notice
  • First Meeting Minutes - Directors
  • First Meeting Minutes - Members
  • Application for Shares
  • Share Certificate
  • Members & Directors Registers
  • Allotment Journal
  • ASIC Lodged Documents Register
  • Common Seal Register
  • Register of Debenture Holders

Ancillary Documents included:

  • Allotment Journal
  • Register of Members
  • Register of Members
  • Common Seal Register
  • Register of Directors
  • Membership Certificate
  • Application for Membership
  • Register of Debenture Holders
  • Documents Lodged with ASIC
For your convenience, all the ancillary documents are provided as Microsoft Word editable files.
BGL CAS 360 Ready

All companies' data can be instantly pushed to your BGL account.

The PGG / Peter Gell Difference

Gain peace of mind by dealing with experienced lawyers who stand by their templates without need of a disclaimer. Ease of access and speed of delivery will ensure an efficient and pleasurable registration experience. Are clerks or computer bots causing you frustration? Work with our experts and attain the assurance that only decades of legal practice can afford.


Protection for your practice and for your clients, with no disclaimer on the documents

Premium Documents

All the documents are carefully and professionally drafted and kept up to date

Editable Ancillaries

We provide editable Microsoft Word supporting documents for all our products

Referrable Documents

Referrable documents (e.g. Prepared by PGG Legal for Your Accounting Practice Pty Ltd)

Technology Partners
Amazon AWS Australia Post Digital iD Business API Stripe Xero Cloud Accounting Software